Our company has united the best aircraft designers having aviation education and broad experience in the field of R&D. The majority of our employees have PhD in sciences, some employees have patents for inventions and numerous scientific papers.
Aerosystema, Ltd. was founded in 2012 as a team of aviation designers applying systematic approach to development, standardization, quality control and production process.
Development, manufacture and after-sales support of unmanned aircraft systems (UAVs), avionics, pilot navigation systems (PNS) for UAVs, as well as active jamming stations for civil and military aircraft and ground objects.
Plane-type UASs
When we start developing UAS and its systems the first thing is to define the Customer's requirements to the essential volume and quality of information about observed object or methods and degree of impact on the object.
One of the main specializations of Aerosystema, Ltd. is development and production of avionics and aviation equipment for UAVs.
Up-to date experience of aviation flights in zones of local military conflicts has proved an urgent need to protect aircraft from «surface-to-air» missiles and «air-to-air» missiles.
All equipment developed by Aerosystema, Ltd. is operated by original specialized software. We don’t use public software with open source code for products of our make, thus we get total control over software, its update and customization, what allows us to meet all the requirements of the Customer effectively.
Unmanned aerial vehicles that are used for environmental purposes are no different from conventional ones. They are called "eco-drones" – the prefix emphasizes their purely peaceful and scientific purpose.

They are designed to ensure environmental safety:
  • timely monitoring
  • assessment of hard-to-reach and remote areas
  • high-resolution aerial images

Aerial images will help you quickly, simply and effectively track natural and anthropogenic environmentally hazardous objects created by human hands. The use of our technologies will make it possible to safely and efficiently inspect industrial enterprises, sewage treatment plants or transport facilities. The quality of the images obtained makes it possible to identify contamination caused by accidental leaks and monitor the impact of permitted emissions. Technologies for creating accurate three-dimensional models provide the ability to monitor and measure the volume of landfills of household and industrial waste. Similarly, it is possible to map mining sites and identify unauthorized quarries, dumps and sections. In areas of oil production, aerial photography from UAVs will provide data on oil spills and contamination with fuels and lubricants. You will be able not only to assess the current state of the natural environment, but also to predict its dynamics taking into account existing factors.

  • combating poachers
  • taking water samples
  • identifying animal migration routes
  • detecting violations of environmental legislation
  • studying the melting of polar ice
  • monitoring water areas and ships
  • monitoring forests
  • monitoring the coast
  • monitoring rare animal species
  • determining the impact of various pollutants on the global environmental situation
  • determining the level of pollution
  • searching for unauthorized landfills
plane-type pilot navigation system
multirotor-type pilot navigation system
unmanned air reconnaissance small-size system KoMAR
active jamming station for aircraft individual self-protection
autonomous jamming station for aircraft of all types (no aircraft modification is required)
jamming station for UAVs
hybrid-type UAS (a combination of plane and multirotor systems)
for tactical UAVs up to 20 kg
Onboard equipment set of military and civil UAVs distant automated flight control BK2 detects pilot-navigation parameters, automatically controls UAV flight and onboard UAV systems, as well as provides data exchange with GCS.
  • Pilot navigation unit;
  • Navigation satellite module;
  • Module of air signals system;
  • Power module;
  • Current intensity module.
Navigation satellite systems applied ....................................................................... GLONASS/GPS

Angular accuracy
Bank angle (standard deviation) ........................................................................................................... 0.5°
Pitch angle(standard deviation) ............................................................................................................ 0.5°
Azimuth angle(standard deviation) ..................................................................................................... 1.5°

Attitude accuracy
in planform (standard deviation) .......... 0.50 m (2.5 m without differential correction)
in elevation (standard deviation) ........... 1.00 m (3.0 m without differential correction)

Ground speed accuracy .................................................................................................................. 0.1 m/sec
Vertical speed accuracy ................................................................................................................. 0.2 m/sec
Data exchange interfaces supported ..................... RS-232/485, PWM (7 outputs), UART
Analog inputs ....................................................................................... 0.5 V – 2 inputs, 10…32 – 1 input
Discrete inputs ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
Discrete outputs ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Control signal frequency ........................................................................................................................ 60 Hz
Receive-transfer data equipment frequency band ........................................ 970..1200 MHZ
Uptime once BK2 is on ................................................................................................................ max 5 min
Power-supply voltage ............................................................................................................................ 10..32V
Power consumption ........................................................................................................................ max 1.5 W
Operation temperature range ............................................................................................... -40...+65 °C
Weight ...................................................................................................................................................... max 160 g
Navigation satellite systems
applied ............................................................ GLONASS/GPS

Angular accuracy
Bank angle (standard deviation) ............................ 0.5°
Pitch angle(standard deviation) .............................. 0.5°
Azimuth angle(standard deviation) ....................... 1.5°

Attitude accuracy
in planform (standard deviation) .................... 0.50 m (2.5 m without differential correction)
in elevation (standard deviation) ..................... 1.00 m (3.0 m without differential correction)

Ground speed accuracy .................................... 0.1 m/sec
Vertical speed accuracy ................................... 0.2 m/sec
Data exchange interfaces
supported .................. RS-232/485, PWM (7 outputs), UART
Analog inputs ......... 0.5 V – 2 inputs, 10…32 – 1 input
Discrete inputs .......................................................................... 2
Discrete outputs ....................................................................... 2
Control signal frequency ......................................... 60 Hz
Receive-transfer data equipment
frequency band ......................................... 970..1200 MHZ
Uptime once BK2 is on .................................. max 5 min
Power-supply voltage .............................................. 10..32V
Power consumption ......................................... max 1.5 W
Operation temperature range ................. -40...+65 °C
Weight ....................................................................... max 160 g
  • UAV automatic take-off and landing on prepared site;
  • Automatic flight on preset route with possibility of its update in the course of flight;
  • Supports RTK technology for accurate location according to navigation satellite systems;
  • Operation in conditions of strong vibration;
  • Connection to external equipment with proportional control;
  • Integrated flight parameter recorder;
  • Built-in control with extended diagnostics of measuring channels.
for tactical UAV up to 250kg
Onboard equipment set of military and civil UAVs distant automated flight control detects pilot-navigation parameters, automatically controls UAV flight and onboard UAV systems, provides data exchange with GCS.
  • Navigation satellite module;
  • Module of data processing from air signals system;
  • Telemetry receive-transfer unit;
  • Fuel indicator;
  • Antenna set.
  • Pilot navigation unit;
  • Motor control unit;
  • Power-supply system control unit;
  • Switching unit;
  • Magnetic unit;
  • VLOS UAV distant flight control unit;
Navigation satellite systems (NSS) applied ................................. GLONASS / GPS / BeiDou

UAV attitude reference accuracy:
Bank angle ................................................................................. 0.5 deg. in the range –180 +180 deg.
Pitch angle ..................................................................................... 0.5 deg. in the range -90..+90 deg.
Course angle ................................................................................... 0.5 deg. in the range 0..+360 deg.
Magnetic course ......................... 1.0 deg. in the range of bank/pitch angles -25..+25 deg.
UAV location accuracy with radio navigation
communication system correction .................................................................................................. 1,5 m
UAV location accuracy with differential correction from
radio navigation communication system (standard deviation) ................................... 0,1 m
Voltage supply ............................................................................................................................................. 10-32V
Power consumption .................................................................................................................... up to 2,5 W

System of automatic control:
Interface types for servo control ................................................................. PWM, RS-485/422/232
Number of waypoints ......................................................................................................................... min 100
Standard maneuvers ........................................................................................................................ Provided
Automatic return based on several factors ....................................................................... Provided
Glide path generation ...................................................................................................................... Provided
Navigation satellite systems (NSS)
applied .......................... GLONASS / GPS / BeiDou

UAV attitude reference accuracy:
Bank angle .......................................................... 0.5 deg.
in the range –180 +180 deg.
Pitch angle .......................................................... 0.5 deg.
in the range -90..+90 deg.
Course angle ...................................................... 0.5 deg.
in the range 0..+360 deg.
Magnetic course ................. 1.0 deg. in the range
of bank/pitch angles -25..+25 deg.
UAV location accuracy with radio
navigation communication
system correction .................................................. 1,5 m
UAV location accuracy with differential
correction from radio navigation
communication system
(standard deviation) ............................................ 0,1 m
Voltage supply ..................................................... 10-32V
Power consumption ............................. up to 2,5 W

System of automatic control:
Interface types for servo
control ................................... PWM, RS-485/422/232
Number of waypoints .................................. min 100
Standard maneuvers ................................. Provided
Automatic return based
on several factors .......................................... Provided
Glide path generation ............................... Provided
  • UAV automatic take-off and landing on prepared site;
  • Automatic flight on preset route with possibility of update in the course of flight;
  • RTK technology supported for accurate location according to navigation satellite systems;
  • Operation in conditions of strong vibration;
  • Triple back-up of navigation satellite system receivers;
  • Double data exchange channel back-up with GCS (2 sets of receive-transfer data equipment can be connected);
  • Connection to external platformless INS;
  • Integrated flight parameter recorder;
  • Built-in control with extended diagnostics of measuring channels.
Unmanned Aircraft System of terrain (water) surface monitoring is intended for discreet remote monitoring of mobile and immovable objects in real-time mode, detection of objects and their location, transmission of received data to the UAV operator.
  • UAV ............................................................... 2 birds
  • Interchangeable payloads ................. 1 set
  • Ground Control station (GCS) ......... 1 pcs.
  • Maintenance documentation ......... 1 set
  • KIT ....................................................................... 1 set
Take-off weight ........................................................................................................................ max 3 kg
Powerplant type ................................................................................................................... DC motor
UAV flight duration ......................................................................................................... max 70 min
Tactical radius ................................................................................................................................... 15 km
Cruising airspeed ..................................................................................................................... 72 km/h
Maximum airspeed ................................................................................................................ 115 km/h
Maximum absolute flight altitude ................................................................................. 3500 m
The accuracy of the objects’ position detection (1σ) ................................................. 15 m
Take-off ...................................................................................................................................... from hand
Landing ...................................................................................................................................... parachute
Working temperature range ...................................................................................... -20...+50 °С
Take-off weight .............................................. max 3 kg
Powerplant type .......................................... DC motor
UAV flight duration ................................ max 70 min
Tactical radius .......................................................... 15 km
Cruising airspeed ............................................ 72 km/h
Maximum airspeed ....................................... 115 km/h
Maximum absolute flight altitude ........ 3500 m
The accuracy of the objects’
position detection (1σ) .......................................... 15 m
Take-off ............................................................. from hand
Landing ............................................................. parachute
Working temperature range ............. -20...+50 °С
  • Remote surveillance of the area specified by the UAV operator, mobile and immovable objects;
  • Air reconnaissance of the disaster areas, forest area loiter, detection of the fire and floods areas;
  • Monitoring of extended objects (traffic routes, oil, gas and heat pipelines, power lines) in normal conditions and in case of emergency;
  • Automatic search of the injured, ship and aircraft crews that suffered a disaster, detection of their location;
  • Photo and video data transfer to the ground control station (GCS) in real-time mode, data processing and making reports;
  • Assessment of the fire hazard, ecological monitoring of the water surface.
  • Preparation, flight task input, display, correction and record in UAV pilot navigation system.
  • Automated UAV flight and payload control.
  • Reception, registration, processing, display of parameter information and picture received from UAV.
  • Automated target position determination according to the data received from UAV, target lock-on and tracking.
  • Reception and data processing from geolocation and UAV elements terrain orientation.
  • Display of UAS (GCS, UAV) elements position.
  • Display of flight task (flight route).
  • Display of actual path (including according to flight altitude).
  • Intellectual abject identification, automated lock-on and tracking (optional).
  • 3D picture (optional).
  • Multiwindow data display mode.
JAMMING STATION V is intended for aircraft self-protection against radio-controlled weapons by jamming radio-electronic equipment of weapon control of air-launched missile systems and air defense weapon systems.
Jamming station V can generate jams in 2 modes:
  • in active retranslation mode when received sounding signal of illuminating radio-electronic equipment of weapon control is used as a «basis» with further integration of amplitude, frequency, phase and polarization modulation in its structure.
  • in oscillation mode when jamming signal is synthesized with respect to received data on sounding signal of illuminating radio-electronic equipment of weapon control.
Jamming is carried out automatically. Relying on the received signal parameters of illuminating radio-electronic equipment of weapon control jamming station makes analysis of electronic environment, detects types of illuminating electronic means, singles out the most dangerous of them and activates the most effective set of jams against them.

For each air defense weapon system active jamming station V generates repeatable (in detection mode) or/and momentary (in tracking mode) imitating (deflecting) active jams combined in direction and selection parameter (range and/or speed).
The results of jamming station impact upon different types of radio-electronic equipment of weapon control are as follows:

  • Protected aircraft as an object of the enemy's attack is detected with delay;
  • Protected aircraft is masked among numerous false targets;
  • True location of protected aircraft (its range, speed, angle, attitude) turns out to be rather problematic;
  • Tracking systems of jammed radio-electronic equipment of weapon control need more time to lock-on protected aircraft for tracking and it turns out to be rather problematic;
  • Redirection of the tracking systems of jammed radio-electronic equipment of weapon control for tracking false target;
  • Break lock of protected aircraft.

Attacking air defense weapons are jammed not only on the stage of target location and lock-on for tracking, but also on the stage of target tracking prior to missile launch and after.

When jamming station singles out the most dangerous radio-electronic equipment of weapon control the priority is given to the equipment operating in tracking phase (non-stop direction finding). This radio-electronic equipment is jammed first.
Impact of jamming station on the jammed object is discrete and can't be detected by built-in means of analysis and jamming protection. Until the very last moment (break lock of tracked target) operators and crews of air defense weapons harbour illusion that they track true target. Jamming station V is effective against new and old air defense weapon fleet. It instantly adapts to all deviations in sounding signal parameters of radio-electronic equipment of weapon control, provides total EMC with airborne radar and other airborne radio-electronic equipment of the aircraft-carrier.
Operating frequency bands .......................................................................................................... G, H, I, J
Intercept receiver sensitivity ......................................................................................... (–65..–55) dBm
Maximum radiated power .................................................................................................. min 40 dBm
Jamming types ......................................................... masking, imitating active jams to range,
........................................................................speed, angle coordinates of weapon control radars
.......................................................................................................................................(incl. monopulse radars)
Protected sector in aft/forward hemisphere ........................................ ±45 deg. in azimuth
....................................................................................................................................and ±30 deg. in elevation
Simultaneous operation in aft/forward hemisphere ................................................ provided
In-flight operation mode ......................................................................................................... Automatic
...............................................................................................(participation of the pilot is not required)
Hard-points .................................................................................. Pods construction allows tucking
......................................................................................................................................under standard weapon
EMC with airborne radio-electronic equipment
of the aircraft-carrier ....................................................................................................................... provided
Non-stop operation .................................................................................................................. min 4 hours
Uptime once the power is switched on .......................................................................... max 1 min
Built-in test of technical state ................................................................................................ max 1 min
Power consumption ............................................................................................................... max 2000 W
Pods dimensions ..................................................................................................... ≈2800x245x326 mm
................................................................................................................ (depends on aircraft-carrier type)
Control unit dimensions ............................................................................................ ≈165x56x130 mm
.................................................................................................................(depends on aircraft-carrier type)
Weight of 1 pod ................................................................................................................................ max 95 kg
.................................................................................................................(depends on aircraft-carrier type)
Control unit weight .......................................................................................................................... max 1 kg
Operating frequency bands ........................ G, H, I, J
Intercept receiver sensitivity ........ (–65..–55) dBm
Maximum radiated power ................ min 40 dBm
Jamming types ......................... masking, imitating
..............................active jams to range, speed, angle
.................... coordinates of weapon control radars
.................................................... (incl. monopulse radars)
Protected sector in aft/forward
hemisphere ................................ ±45 deg. in azimuth
...................................................and ±30 deg. in elevation
Simultaneous operation in
aft/forward hemisphere ............................... provided
In-flight operation mode ........................ Automatic
...............(participation of the pilot is not required)
Hard-points .................... Pods construction allows ................................ tucking under standard weapon
EMC with airborne radio-electronic
equipment of the aircraft-carrier .......... provided
Non-stop operation ................................ min 4 hours
Uptime once the power
is switched on .................................................. max 1 min
Built-in test of technical state .............. max 1 min
Power consumption ............................. max 2000 W
Pods dimensions ................... ≈2800x245x326 mm
............................... (depends on aircraft-carrier type)
Control unit dimensions ........... ≈165x56x130 mm
................................(depends on aircraft-carrier type)
Weight of 1 pod .............................................. max 95 kg
................................(depends on aircraft-carrier type)
Control unit weight ........................................ max 1 kg
Jamming system V is flexible effective means of aircraft-carrier defense against the enemy's fighters and ground air defense weapon systems provided that the radars (surveillance, target tracking, direction weapon) are the basis for the enemy's weapon control systems of such means.

Its flexibility is based on unambiguous determination of required sounding signal parameters of illuminating radars, their operation modes, surveillance means and laws they use. It allows jamming station V unambiguously identify radars and single out those of them that are potentially dangerous for the aircraft-carrier.

Its effectiveness is ensured by generation the set of jamming signals for potentially dangerous radars taking into account frequency, time, attitude, energy and polarization features of jammed radars' operation (incl. active radar seekers of missiles).

This approach doesn't require the knowledge of the country of origin and exact name of the piece of armament threatening the aircraft-carrier, because such approach is based on physical principles and operation laws for all types of radars, when they solve such tasks as aircraft location and their speed, range and angular coordinates tracking.
When installed on combat aircraft jamming station V doesn't occupy the hard points of aircraft weapons as pod design allows tucking under all standard aircraft weapons specified for these hard points. Installation of jamming station on board of the aircraft doesn't deteriorate its flight performance and requires minimum modification of the aircraft-carrier. No integration into airborne equipment of the aircraft-carrier is required.

Jamming station can be installed on military and civil aircraft of various application and different manufacturers. In its design there was applied block-modular principle with distributed control computer system. Control computer system allows extending threat library for jamming new radio-electronic equipment of weapon control.

Effective work of jamming station V is proved by flight tests with the use of air defense weapon systems.
62 Polyarnaya st., Minsk, Belarus, 220138
+375 17 287 52 41, +375 17 287 52 42